If content is King in your online world, then creating it cannot happen with out the help of the Queen. There are so many strategies out there, it’s hard to know what is right for you in your business. There are blanket strategies to get new people started and there are more specific strategies that work best industry to industry. So what do you do? How do you know who to trust and what advice is right. Well…you don’t do you?
And what’s worse is, you’re the boss, you have no one to blame for hiring a bad contractor but yourself. I always say to my business students, never listen to any expert – blindly. Yes you must always extract the information that makes sense for you. If you listen to just about anyone on any thing, you cannot say it’s a total one size fits all solution. So then if you’re still figuring things out, what do you do?
- Gather enough of the same opinions from experts to give you confidence you are going in the right direction.
- Find someone in your industry who has tried applying that strategy and ask them what worked and what didn’t. You can always look for someone in a different, but similar city to avoid them thinking you’re stealing their ideas.
- Ask yourself why it’s right for your business growth and why.
If you’ve been wondering about social media content writing strategies and don’t know where to start. Join me on my next webinar coming in February. It’s free, fun and most importantly informative!
Do you know a business owner looking for ideas on creating great content? Invite them along, they’ll thank you for it!
Trina Lo is a certified business coach with a specialty in marketing and social media. She has operated FreshInk Communications for 15 years and is now taking online training by storm!