With a background in magazine publishing, let me assure you, we’ve attended and thrown some amazing events!
The key to a great event is not only its organization but creating a buzz about it!
We’ve had dozens of businesses approach us for help over the years and they all had two things in common, a fabulous event idea and no clue what it would take to get people to show up.
Here are some of the things we can assist with:
- creating the buzz!
- creating and managing budgets
- hiring catering, entertainment, and staff for the event
- sourcing the right venue and decorating
- invitations—paper and e-vites
- creating a custom website to showcase the event
- managing rsvp numbers
- inviting media for event coverage
- leveraging your existing database to quadruple your awareness or more
Do you have an event you’re just dying to host? The single biggest mistake made that kills an event is NOT getting your marketing company on board soon enough…
So, connect today and hurry, because we have a party to get to!