STILL haven’t got a handle on Twitter?
If you own a business today, you NEED social media
to get the word out to grow your business.
This live workshop is perfect for Business Owners looking to grow their business and generate leads from Social Media; Start-ups, Small Business Owners, New Marketing Coordinators and even large companies needing to train staff . Without this course, you can quite literally waste hours and hours of time every week AND thousands of dollars in misspent time and money.
The Twitter for Business Course will teach you proper set-up for effective use,
Best Practices and loads of practical knowledge on how to:
Get new Followers!
Create and effectively use #Hashtags!
Send direct messages!
Know what’s private versus public!
How to get new Followers!
WHY you need Twitter in your Social Media Mix:
There are an estimated 1.3 BILLION Registered users
There are 120 MILLION unique monthly users
100 MILLION daily active users
34% of active users log on more than once a day
Only $197!
GST will be add totaling 206.85
This program gives you the ability to:
• Make SMART decisions moving forward, instead of costly ones
• Continually grow your networks and generate quality leads
• Keep referrals coming in the door with minimal effort
• Leverage your networks
• SAVE hours and hours of time each month
• Finally FEEL like you understand #Hashtags and Twitter and make it work FOR you!
WAIT – register for Twitter AND Facebook
today and you’ll save almost $100!
Get both LIVE COURSE for only $300
GST will be added on check out totaling 315